Name: txGasPrice manipulation

Description: Manipulation of the txGasPrice value, which can result in unintended consequences and potential financial losses.

In the calculateTotalFee function, the total fee is calculated by multiplying gasUsed + GAS_OVERHEAD_NATIVE with txGasPrice. The issue is that the txGasPrice value can be manipulated by an attacker, potentially leading to an inflated fee calculation.


To address this vulnerability, it is recommended to implement safeguards such as using a gas oracle to obtain the average gas price from a trusted source.

REF: Security/

GasReimbursement Contract:

contract GasReimbursement {
    uint public gasUsed = 100000; // Assume gas used is 100,000
    uint public GAS_OVERHEAD_NATIVE = 500; // Assume native token gas overhead is 500

    // uint public txGasPrice = 20000000000;  // Assume transaction gas price is 20 gwei

    function calculateTotalFee() public view returns (uint) {
        uint256 totalFee = (gasUsed + GAS_OVERHEAD_NATIVE) * tx.gasprice;
        return totalFee;

    function executeTransfer(address recipient) public {
        uint256 totalFee = calculateTotalFee();
        _nativeTransferExec(recipient, totalFee);

    function _nativeTransferExec(address recipient, uint256 amount) internal {

How to Test:

forge test --contracts src/test/gas-price.sol-vvvv

// Test function to check gas refund in the GasReimbursementContract.
function testGasRefund() public {
    // Get the balance of this contract before executing the transfer.
    uint balanceBefore = address(this).balance;

    // Call the 'executeTransfer' function of the GasReimbursementContract, which should trigger a gas refund.

    // Calculate the balance of this contract after the transfer and subtract the gas cost (gas price) from it.
    uint balanceAfter = address(this).balance - tx.gasprice; // --gas-price 200000000000000

    // Calculate and log the profit obtained by the contract from the gas refund.
    console.log("Profit", balanceAfter - balanceBefore);

Red box: gas refund incorrectly.
